Monday, November 14, 2011

Peanut Butter and Oats Protein Bars

I love cooking, peanut butter and CRAFTS! Yes I am that person... the secret crafter. Well I love when I can combine them all and I have done that tonight.

I was making these bars to send someone and I thought why not make a recipe card that is one of a kind. I figured it would make the package a little more special.

So this is the front. The Recipe and the ingredients

  1. 1 cup PB
  2. 1 cup Oats
  3. 8Tbsp Honey
  4. 2 scoops Protein powder
  5. 2Tbsp Flax seed
 The directions are on the back. I think I may make a few of these for xmas and send them to a few of my friends who I know love to cook... HMMM


 Mix PB and honey in a microwave safe bowl
 Heat for 60 sec in the microwave
 Mix in oats, protein and flax seed
 pour into a glass container... once again I am lazy so i lined it with wax paper for easy clean up

put into the fridge until set....once set cut into bars

These are some of my favorite bites on the go... be careful though... they are like crack but in a legal way lol 


Ciao and crazy love of PB

1 comment:

  1. Cute!! I am not at all crafty, so I am impressed by those who are :)
